Thursday, November 17, 2022

Through the Eyes of a Protege


Availability, Active Listening, and Analysis


When seeking out a mentor make sure the mentor is willing to offer up his or her time, has the necessary experience you are looking for, is an encourager, and will give you feedback and advice that will aid you in reaching your objectives. 

Active Listening

It is important that you have a mentor who values you and your time.  Nothing is more frustrating than when a mentor gets easily distracted by their surroundings or their phone.  A mentor who spends more time with their tools than you will only frustrate you and make you feel less valued in the end.


The ability to analyze is one of the most important traits your mentor can have because this is where he or she provides the necessary feedback or solutions to your situation.  Through analysis, they should be able to create a strategy that will fit your needs, talents, skills, and desires.  Moreover, a really good mentor will get you to do things you never thought you would do.

Toastmasters believes strongly in mentorship and this is why they dedicate an entire mentoring path to all Toastmasters who complete Level 2. Toastmasters are encouraged to become mentors and through their mentoring deliver guidance, advice, support, and knowledge to their mentees with grace, enthusiasm, and excitement. 

Finally, I think it is important to note that it is the protege's responsibility to find a mentor that is the right fit for them.  Be sure to look for someone who exudes these three A's - they must be available, they must be an active listener and they must know how to analyze your situation (where you are right now to where you want to be), set a strategy in place and then watch you grow, grow, grow!

"What I need is someone who will make me do what I can." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's 'Rise 'n Shine'


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