Sunday, November 27, 2022

Meet Colette 'Colly' Smith - Current EBOT President

When EBOT chartered, the club was mostly made up of married couples.  Over the last five years though, the club has morphed from married couples to an international flare with members from all over the world. Today, I would like to introduce to you our current club president, Colette Smith. 

Colette is originally from Calgary Alberto Canada.  She lived in Colorado and most recently, moved to Florida where she joined EBOT.  Colette is married to her husband Doug, aka Doodles, and they are celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary this year in December.  When I asked Colette to share something about her main squeeze she said that "Doodles has more patience than [she has] ever seen in anyone else - lucky [her]!" 

Doodles and Colette moved to Florida because they wanted the opportunity to scuba dive more, which is one of her passions.  She is also passionate about her family and friends.  Moreover, Colette is a published author and hopes to finish writing the children's book she has been working on. 

Traveling to England, Scotland and Ireland is something she would like to do in the future with Doug. Perhaps this journey can become a reality within five years since she hopes to retire or go into semi-retirement.

When asked how she would describe herself Colette exclaimed, "I am high energy and like to keep busy.  [She] is a doer and [is] service-oriented by nature. [She] is also known to talk A LOT which can get [her] into a bit of trouble." She sounds like the perfect Toastmaster!

Speaking about Toastmasters, Colette originally joined Toastmasters because she found herself shy and tongue-tied, which made it difficult for her to meet new people. Toastmasters has given her the confidence she needed and has taught her about servant leadership.  She continues to be a member of Toastmasters because she likes the new educational track and she loves EBOT and watching new members learn and grow.  Her goal moving forward is to continue to serve and enjoy her club.  In addition, she would like the opportunity to continue competing in speech contests and to step up her ability in delivering great content in an impactful and memorable way.  If you have not seen Colette compete, then you need to make it a point to do so. She shares some of the most amazing Tall Tales, is a competent Evaluator and her true-life experiences take on a whole story of their own.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Flocking to the Nest

Look at these SMILES! In the last few months, our club has had many visitors; some have even joined. Folks have found us through Meet-Up, students making up missed assignments, and Toastmasters inviting their friends and family to a meeting.  The education, experience, and ethnicity of our visitors have enhanced and energized our meetings and for that we thank you! We are so glad you stopped by. 



Early Bird Ocala 2022 International Contest

We had one of the most exciting club contests this club has experienced since its inception.  Our room was packed with Toastmasters so much so every seat in the room was occupied. 

Our International Contest Master was John Morrow, DTM, our Chief Judge was Sabrina Malloy, DTM and our Contest Chair was Sherri Vaughn, DTM.  But a contest is not a contest ladies and gentlemen unless you have contestants!  Saturday's contestants worked the room as they delivered their 5-7 minute speeches. Both Colette Smith and Gina Hanson brought powerful speeches with deep meaning and conviction.  Thank you, ladies, for making this one of our club's most memorable contests.  Colette will be moving forward to the Area Contest which is scheduled for February 25, 2022.  Thank you to all of our functionaries who helped make this contest run smoothly: Stephen Small, Xavier Moreno, James Wallace, Janine Moreno, Sean Walsh, and of course, our anonymous judges! Kudos to all!!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Through the Eyes of a Protege


Availability, Active Listening, and Analysis


When seeking out a mentor make sure the mentor is willing to offer up his or her time, has the necessary experience you are looking for, is an encourager, and will give you feedback and advice that will aid you in reaching your objectives. 

Active Listening

It is important that you have a mentor who values you and your time.  Nothing is more frustrating than when a mentor gets easily distracted by their surroundings or their phone.  A mentor who spends more time with their tools than you will only frustrate you and make you feel less valued in the end.


The ability to analyze is one of the most important traits your mentor can have because this is where he or she provides the necessary feedback or solutions to your situation.  Through analysis, they should be able to create a strategy that will fit your needs, talents, skills, and desires.  Moreover, a really good mentor will get you to do things you never thought you would do.

Toastmasters believes strongly in mentorship and this is why they dedicate an entire mentoring path to all Toastmasters who complete Level 2. Toastmasters are encouraged to become mentors and through their mentoring deliver guidance, advice, support, and knowledge to their mentees with grace, enthusiasm, and excitement. 

Finally, I think it is important to note that it is the protege's responsibility to find a mentor that is the right fit for them.  Be sure to look for someone who exudes these three A's - they must be available, they must be an active listener and they must know how to analyze your situation (where you are right now to where you want to be), set a strategy in place and then watch you grow, grow, grow!

"What I need is someone who will make me do what I can." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's 'Rise 'n Shine'


Something to 'Tweet' About

Caw-caw, Caw-caw! 

Thank you for landing on my blog. I have started this blog in hopes that it will inspire you to learn more about Toastmasters International, and how Early Bird Ocala can help you soar to new heights both personally and professionally.

On this page, you will find a link to the Early Bird Ocala Toastmasters' website, as well as, links to both Toastmasters International and our district's web page.  Please feel free to click on the links for more information.

In the meantime, keep checking back as more posts will be coming soon. Let's 'Rise 'n Shine'!