Saturday, May 6, 2023

D84 Conference: EBO Gift Basket Under the Big Top

A huge thank you to all of the Early Bird Toastmasters who donated items for our conference basket.  James will be delivering a basket full of circus type goodies:  Peanuts, Cracker Jacks, Cotton Candy and more.  A basket full of tasty treats to delight just about anyone.  Caw, Caw!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

No Pressure: Learn to Write A Speech in Five Minutes

Have you ever been asked unexpectantly to deliver a speech? This morning, Colette shared some tips and tricks behind writing a speech in five minutes. Not only did the Toastmasters write a speech in five minutes; six of the nineteen in attendance delivered their speech. To boot, there was even breakfast served buffet style.  Early Bird Ocala holds an annual workshop on "How to Write a Speech in 5 -minutes".  Perhaps, YOU, will be at the next one. Caw-Caw!!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Power You Are Supplying is Electrifying

Every once in a while a bundle of high-powered energy crosses our path and I am not talking about lightening bolts!!  Meet Gina H. an all-around grounded individual who loves life and experiences it to the fullest. She is electrifying!

Gina hails from Washington state. She paints her state as one “When the sun shines there is no more beautiful place on the planet.  It is so blue it’ll hurt your eyes, and when it’s overcast and the sun is low on the horizon and slanting underneath the clouds the light is a pearly impressionists dream”.  Oh, so true Gina!  Not only did she live in Washington state, she has also spent time in California, Arizona, Nevada, Virginia and now Florida. 

So how in the world did this west coast gal end up in sunny Florida?  "Have you ever drawn a smile across the bottom of a [U.S.] map and set up a list of criteria": - that is what she and her husband did and guess what, Florida ticked all the boxes: "cheap, warm, lots to do, airport, and good restaurants". Internationally, Gina hopes to travel to other counties - like ALL OF THEM. With her tenacity and determination, I bet she will to!

Not only is Gina a go-getter, she is a go-giver.  She loves to help people uncover their greatness and wisdom that is within themselves and through this process help them achieve their goals. She believes, "the world would be an amazing place if everyone understood who they really are”. When I asked her what she was passionate about she said, “pretty much everything but beets. Beets are gross.” She continued on, I  like “real people the best; unreal people freak [her] out on some level - like who’s under there?” Her hunger for life is catching. Her goal in five years, besides being five years older, is “infecting the world with wisdom, peace and whole-ness. Passing along the legacy of road monkey to [her] grandkids. Looking for loopholes and marveling at the stars.” 

I suppose that is why Gina does not have a bucket list, but rather a tea-cup list.  When her and the hubs wants to do something, they just do it!! No moss growing on the souls of their shoes! Moreover, she wants to positively affect one million people. She believes, “the average person [will] know approximately one thousand people in their lifetime.  If we positively impact everyone we meet, and they do the same, that’s one million” individuals. 

Based on what we have learned about Gina, it is no surprise that she is a coach.  When she is not coaching others she is  an author and story-teller. One of her favorite quotes is from Rory Miller, who asked, “Why is a caterpillar wrapped in silk while it changes into a butterfly?  So, the other caterpillars can’t hear the screams. Change hurts.”  

There is so much more to share about Gina; so instead of regurgitating all that she has shared with me, be sure to pull her aside at the next Toastmasters meeting and invite her out for a cup of coffee – this woman's love for life is outrageous and contagious! 

One last item of business before I close.  I asked Gina, Why Toastmasters?  Why Early Bird Ocala?  When asked how she found Early Bird Ocala  she stated as a matter of fact, "Google, Baby!" Gina was looking for a club that would help her grow through “love, honesty, grace, wisdom and feedback.” Gina said, “she LOVES it HERE”.  The Toastmasters are “serious about [their] craft, but completely tempered with love and grace… We have room to grow and improve in a safe place.  All the opportunity lies in a Who, not a What or a How. Early Bird Ocala is the right Who." 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Leveling Up!!

Congratulations to Carmen and Gina for completing levels in their paths. Carmen completed Level 1 - Presentation Mastery, while Gina completed Level 2 - Visionary Communications.  Keep moving forward!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

gniteeM sdrawkcaB A ?tahW

No fooling here!  This morning, Early Bird Ocala held their traditional 'gniteeM sdrawkcaB' aka our Backwards Meeting.  This is a time when we all Come together and run the meeting in reverse order.  Has your club ever tried this?  If you haven't, you are missing out. A mind is a powerful tool, but boy can you mess with it when you change the order of things!  The ability to adapt and overcome is challenging, but the laughter that ensues is worth the work.

Our Toastmaster of the Day also brought us a challenge on the use of 'backwards' and 'backward'.  It appears that if you are British you will tend to use the 's' to words like backwards, forwards, upwards and downwards.  Their American counterpart drops the 's' and tend to use the words backward, forward, upward and downward.  Backward can either be used an as adverb or adjective.  As an adjective it is used to indicate something or someone as underdeveloped, less progressed or regressive.  Used as an adverb the word means the opposite way, or  direction behind someone.  The bottom line is both versions are correct and have the same meaning but the usage depends on where you live.

Now you know, and knowledge is power!


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Cruis'n Carmen

If you are having a bad day, all you need to do is spend five minutes with Carmen. Carmen is a Cuban American and was born in California. She moved to Florida when she was just two months old.

When Carmen was little she remembers watching the Love Boat and Fantasy Island wishing that was her.  Her mother introduced her to cruising at the age of fifteen.  What a great way to take a vacation - inexpensive, fun, and oh the places she has seen.

Not only does Carmen like to cruise but she loves life.  She is passionate about helping others, making a difference, and leading by example. One of the greatest pieces of advice her mom ever gave her was "get a large bottle of Vaseline and rub it on and just let all the bad stuff slide!"  Carmen has had her share of trials, but you wouldn't know it because she wants to make every moment count.

A few fun facts about Carmen:  1) She loves the singer Pink, 2) she would love to be an actress or performer on the Carol Burnett [Show] or Saturday Night Live and 3) she would love to become a keynote speaker and travel!  Yay! Travel and get paid for it! 

Carmen has a bucket list of destinations she would like to do, but adventures that require air, speed, or roller coasters are not for her - "nope, no thanks", she said.

When asked how she found Toastmasters she quipped, " I researched public speaking or becoming a keynote speaker and Toastmasters came up." Then, she found Early Bird Ocala on Facebook.  She further stated, "I wanted to regain my voice and polish my communication skills.  I was happy when I saw pictures of [the] club members and all the smiles.  She wanted to be part of that. What surprised her the most was that [the] club members were very friendly and super encouraging." 

Carmen all we can say is, WE ARE SO GLAD YOU FOUND US!  You are a bright spot in our morning and show us through your example how to live in every moment.  Thank you for your transparency and willingness to open up your heart and share your stories.  We truly are the ones blessed. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Visitors are like a Pot of Gold!

Not sure if this is the luck of the Irish or not, but we are delighted to have Edwin and Mark visit the nest this morning.  Caw, Caw! 

Power of Culture

Early Bird Ocala very rarely has a dull meeting and today was no exception!   Latasha H. was our Toastmaster of the Day and her theme was the Power of Culture.  Her content and delivery were inspiring and noteworthy! To boot, we had a first-time visitor who joined on the spot!   Why?  Because she saw an opportunity to grow in an environment that is not threatening!  Why not come out and meet us and see what this club is all about.  We meet every Saturday at 8am (gavel down at 8:15am) and we have fun! Caw-Caw!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Kudos to our Area 71 Contest Winners

Contests can be nerve-wracking and exciting all at the same time. Two of our seasoned members represented Early Bird Ocala Toastmasters at the Area Level in February - Colette Smith and Steve Vaughn.  Congratulations on your wins; we are so proud of your efforts. Colette will move forward to the Division level representing our club in the Tall Tales Contest, which should take place online on March 25 from 4:30pm-6:00pm.  Again kudos to you both and thank you for representing our club so well!

Pathway Achievements: Leaps and Bounds

"Every great accomplishment starts with the decision to try. - Gail Devers 

Look at these SMILES!!
Pictured above is Latasha H. and below is Charles B. 
Both are receiving Pathway certificates of completion 
from our VP Education, Steve Vaughn, DTM. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Spotlighting Member Achievement

Did you know if you complete three levels in your path during the club year you can earn the Triple Crown award from District 84?  Pictured here is Early Bird Ocala's VP Education awarding Melissa a certificate for completing Level 3 in her Dynamic Leadership Path.  Way to go Melissa!!